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RFP: FSS Coordinator/Case Management Services

Request for Proposals
Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator/Case Management Services

The Monroe Housing Authority (MHA) is currently soliciting proposals for FAMILY SELF SUFFICIENCY (FSS) COORDINATOR/CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES. MHA serves residents through the administration of 318 Housing Choice Vouchers, along with a total of 173 PBV units spread through three communities: Serenity Place (44 Units) , Grace Gardens (83 units), and Willow Oaks (46 Units), and one PBV Community, West Ridge (33 Units). Interested and qualified businesses are invited to submit proposals. Small businesses, minority and women owned businesses are encouraged to respond.

Proposals will be received until Monday, September 23, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the MHA administrative office located at 504 Hough Street, Monroe, NC 28112. Mailed proposals must be received at P.O. Box 805, Monroe, NC 28111, postmarked no later than September 23, 2024. Proposals may be emailed to MHA.

All mailed proposals must be in an envelope marked SEALED BID "FAMILY SELF SUFFICIENCY (FSS) COORDINATOR/CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES" on both sides of the envelope. MHA assumes no liability for proposals that are mailed. Our offices are closed on Fridays and all State Holidays.

The purpose of the Request for Proposal is to select a firm for the type of service requested and to enter into an agreement for FAMILY SELF SUFFICIENCY (FSS) COORDINATOR/CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES. MHA reserves the right to add to or take away from the scope of services as this will determine the amount of compensation.

MHA is an EEO/ADA compliant employer and reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in the specifications or proposal process or to cancel in whole or in part this Request for Proposal if it is in the best interest of MHA to do so. The attention of proposers is directed to the fact that the proposed work will be financed in whole or in part with Federal funds, and therefore, all applicable Federal Statues, ruling and regulations will apply.

Firms may withdraw a proposal either personally, by written request or emailing MHA at any time prior to the scheduled closing time of receipt of the proposals.

Any questions or clarifications may be directed to MHA via email.